lördag 22 april 2017

De palarabiska fångarnas strejk.

Fångarnas strejkkrav för att inte matstrejka, från Abbas-tidning.  Svenska media och andra vänsterextremister håller med.  Palestiniers krav och behandling i arabländerna helt ointressanta för våra "neutrala" massmedia länk.

Media som inte kan ha undgått EUs regler för antisemitism, jag sökte på EU antisemitism, 

Länk1 http://www.antisem.eu/projects/eumc-working-definition-of-antisemitism/

Länk2: http://skma.se/antisemitism/

Länk3:  http://ec.europa.eu/newsroom/just/item-detail.cfm?item_id=50144

Den första länken i Googles sorteringsordning makabert nog helt odaterad enligt mina skumma ögon! Den andra gammal. Viktigare är den inte. Givet i definitionen är att behandling av nyheter om Israel ska behandlas likadant som från andra länder, vilket våra massmedia kontinuerligt bryter mot

Demands of prisoners who went on hunger strike

RAMALLAH, April 17, 2017 (WAFA) – Following are the demands of the prisoners who started an open-ended hunger strike as of Monday. The demands were announced by Marwan Barghouti, leader of the strike:

1. Installing a public telephone for Palestinian detainees in all prisons and sections in order to communicate with their families.

2. Visits:

a. Resuming the second visit that was stopped by the Red Cross.

b. The regularity of visits every two weeks without being disabled by any side.

c. No relative of the first and second level shall be prevented from visiting the detainee.

d. Increase the duration of the visit form 45 minutes to an hour-and-a-half.

e. Allow the detainees to take pictures with their families every three months.

f. Make facilities for the comfort the visiting families.

g. Allow children and grandchildren under the age of 16 to visit detainees.

3. The medical file:

a. Closing the so-called Ramle prison hospital because it does not provide the necessary treatment.

b. Ending medical negligence policy.

c. Making periodic medical examinations.

d. Performing surgeries whenever needed.

e. Allowing specialized physicians from outside the prisons.

f. Releasing sick detainees, especially those who have disabilities and incurable diseases.

g. Medical treatment should not be at the expense of the detainee.

4. Responding to the needs and demands of Palestinian women detainees, whether by special transport or direct meeting without a barrier during the visit.

5. Transportation:

a. Accord humanitarian treatment for detainees during their transport.

b. Return detainees to jails after the clinics and courts and do not keep them at the crossings.

c. Prepare the crossings for human use and provide meals for detainees.

6. Add satellite channels that suit the needs of detainees.

7. Install air conditioner in prisons, especially in the prisons of Megiddo and Gilboa.

8. Restore the kitchens to all prisons and place them under the supervision of Palestinian detainees.

9. Allow them to have books, newspapers, clothes and food.

10. Ending the policy of solitary confinement.

11. Ending the policy of administrative detention.

12. Allow them to study at the Hebrew Open University.

13. Allow detainees to take the Tawjihi matriculation exams in an official and agreed manner.


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